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olive production

Today it is in Morocco that our know-how as an olive confectioner is plied.

the olive harvest

In Morocco, our Beldi and Picholine olives are harvested throughout the country. The green olives are picked at the beginning of October and the black olives are picked when fully ripe. They are harvested from November to mid-December. In Greece, Kalamata olives are harvested from November to January. 

All our olives are delicately harvested by hand to avoid bruising on the fruit.

récolte des olives, femmes qui travaillent dans les champs d'olivier pour faire tomber les olives
tri mécanique des olives à travers une machine.

sorting olives

The olives are first sorted mechanically to remove branches and leaves, then by hand for a finer sorting to remove the last foreign bodies, such as stalks, and to keep only the best olives.

olive processing

In order to eliminate their natural bitterness, the green olives are washed, rinsed and then immersed in a brine where a natural lactic fermentation develops that ensures their preservation.

The black olives, Greek style, are processed in large barrels in alternating layers of olives and salt and stored in the same containers for several weeks. The olives have become wrinkled.

Kalamata olives are soaked in clear water for several days and then in olive oil.

différentes variétés d'olives dans des bols en vue de dessus. Olives noires, olives violettes et olives vertes prêtes à déguster
2 sachets d'olives Delieuze, sachet à fond vert pour des olives vertes dénoyautées et des olives noires entières à la grecque

packing olives

After processing, our olives are ready to eat.

They are then graded and packed either whole or pitted in various types of packaging: bags, jars, 4/4 and 5/1 tins, buckets or barrels.

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